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Md:Farhad Hossen
Jul 17, 2022
The new President of South Korea, Yoon Seok-wook, fulfilled his pre-election political views, and on May 10, the Blue House returned to the people's embrace and moved the President's Office to the Ministry of National Defense Building in Yongsan District. Blue House to the people. If you want to visit the Blue House, you can only enter through the pre-booking and lottery process. On the first day of the opening, 26,000 people visited the venue. In addition, from the end of April to May 12, a total of 2.31 million people had made reservations. The popularity was so strong that the Korean Presidential Office decided to cancel the visit originally scheduled to end on the 22nd. , extended to June 11, and opened for 6,500 people in a 2-hour period, with 39,000 people entering the venue everyday. In terms of geographical location, the Blue House is not far from the crowded West Village and the North Village where foreign tourists must go. However, due to the heavily guarded surrounding areas, patrols Raster to Vector Conversion are often encountered on the road, resulting in the physical distance between the people and the Blue House. It is close, but the psychological distance is very far, just like a palace blocked by high walls in ancient times, and the internal layout makes it difficult to convey opinions, so that the Blue House has a long-distance and difficult to communicate image, so it has the title of "Nine-layered Palace Que". However, although this nine-layered palace was not completely open in the past, it did not shut out the crowd. Qingwatai was originally called Jingwutai. It was used as a backyard by the royal family during the Joseon Dynasty to hold various activities such as examinations. After the establishment of the Republic of Korea government, the first President Syngman Rhee continued to use the name of Jingwutai. Used as the President's office
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Md:Farhad Hossen

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